If so, we want to know! We provide marketing systems & hosting to independent marketers who want to help others find a home business.
These independent marketers are only allowed to use APPROVED Spam Free marketing resources to share their sites with others. We are an active advocate AGAINST SPAM and take a strong stance against spam!
Every user has agreed to our very strong 0% TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY (click here). Because of this WE WANT TO KNOW if someone is using an Unapproved source and/or Spam to market their sites.
What is Spam? (click here)
We investigate every complaint in order to protect our companies long standing reputation. Please assist us in bringing Spammers to justice!
We have stored the information of the site you were just on and simply need you to click the submit button below to bring that information to our attention. In an effort to 100% investigate this matter it may be helpful for us to note your information.
Your personal information is optional! However, it could help us resolve the issue more quickly.
In the comments section below please copy and paste the "Headers" from the email of the offending Spam or a link to the offending User-group Spam. The more information regarding the incident the more quickly we can resolve the issue.